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The Only 3 Moves You Need To Do To Build Muscle in the Gym

No time to spend 5-6 days per week and 1-2 hrs each time building muscle?

Now you don’t have to because there are 3 exercise movements that can help you build muscle and be in and out of the gym in 30 minutes. Read on to find out what 3 exercise movements you need to do in the gym to build muscle.

You’ll also be told these 4 factors:

1. Exercise selection criterea.

2. Frequency

3. Sets and Reps

4. Intensity

Exercise Selection

Pick one exercise from the following movement categories:

💪🏻Leg Pushing/Squat

💪🏻Upper-Body Push

💪🏻Upper-Body Pull

Here’re the examples of exercises for each type of movement:

Leg Pushing/Squat

Back Squat

Goblet Squat

Leg Press

Front Squat

Upper-Body Push

Bench Press

Machine Chest Press

Overhead Press

Machine Shoulder Press

Upper-Body Pull

Bentover Barbell Row

Pull Up

Lat Pulldown

Seated Cable Row


2 times per week

Sets and Reps

2-3 Sets per exercise each time

Using mostly a rep range of 6-15

But varying it at times to 1-5 reps and 15-30 reps


You must train close to failure leaving 1-2 repetitions spare and take the last set to failure.

Assuming you can do 15 reps maximum with 100kg on the Squat, it would look like this:

Set 1: 13-14 reps

Set 2: 13-14 reps

Set 3: 15 Reps

That’s all it takes to build muscle. Obviously it will take longer than if you trained for longer but for people that can’t spare the time this will still give fantastic progress.


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