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Boost Your Immune System With Exercise

First, you need to know that there are 2 types of immunity, that can be affected by different intensities and durations of exercise.

⭐Innate Immunity (Natural Immunity) – This occurs naturally and it’s what you’re born with.

⭐Adaptive Immunity (Acquired Immunity) – This comes from exposure and recovery from pathogens and from vaccinations.

How to boost?

The frequency of exercise is also a factor to consider if you want to effectively stimulate your immune system.

One-Off Exercise

If you haven’t developed a routine or habit for exercising yet but you feel like exercising, then it’s best to do up to an hour of moderate-intensity exercise.

Moderate intensity is usually about 3-6 METS on cardiovascular equipment.

Regular Exercise

If you exercise regularly on a weekly basis then the type of exercise and intensity you choose may stimulate either your INNATE or ADAPTIVE immunity.

Regular Resistance Training: Improves innate (natural) immunity

Regular Resistance Training: Improves adaptive (acquired) immunity

Other Factors

Although exercise may help you boost your immune system there are other factors that will also play a large role and these are:


⭐Fitness Level

⭐Nutritional Status

⭐Psychological Well Being

⭐Health History

Other Benefits of Exercise

Exercise also benefits your immune system passively via the following:

⭐Improves the quality of sleep which aids recovery.

⭐Increases bone mineral density and decreases the likelihood of developing osteoporosis.

⭐Elevates body temperature during exercise which can help fight infection.


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