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5 Things That Can Stop Fat Burning

#1 Too Much Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are your body’s primary fuel source so when you eat a high carbohydrate diet it not only elevates your insulin levels but it also prevents your body from using fat as fuel.

#2 Drinking Alcohol

When you drink alcohol your body will immediately stop burning fat and try to rid your body of the alcohol because it’s a toxin.


Cheat meals can turn into cheat days and cheat weekends. It’s very easy to overeat and undo all your hard work if you’re always feeling like cheating.

#4 Too Much Stress

In this case, we’re talking about chronic stress from too much exercise and eating too little.
This can chronically elevate your stress hormones and lead to a slower metabolism and increased water retention.

#5 A Lack Of Sleep

If you’re getting only 5 hours of sleep or less per night, then your body will shift to burning more carbohydrates and less fat throughout the day.

Not only that, you’ll have increased hunger and cravings which may lead to overeating.

The good news is, unless you’re a competitive bodybuilder preparing for a contest, these 5 things will likely not prevent you from losing fat. It may hinder your fat loss to a small degree, but as long as you’re in a consistent calorie or energy deficit, i.e. eating fewer calories than your body requires to function, you will continue to lose fat.

In summary, all the things that may stop fat burning are not all that important in the grand scheme of things.
If your goal is to lose fat you will always do so when you are consistently in a calorie deficit.


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