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6 “Healthy” Foods That Can Sabotage Your Fat Loss

Eating healthy foods should be a good way to lose weight, but this isn’t always the case despite them being more nutritious, filling and providing you with steadier energy compared to junk food. There are some pitfalls when it comes to eating healthy foods which includes your perception of what’s healthy.

The most important factor for losing weight is creating an energy deficit, and managing your calorie intake is a large part of this. Unfortunately, healthy doesn’t always mean low calories and you may end up overeating without realizing it.

Here are 6 healthy foods you should be aware of that may prevent you from making progress.

#1 Nuts and Nut Butter

Nuts are a good source of many nutrients and antioxidants but they’re also high in fat. The fat makes them more calorie dense which is fine but the problem with eating nuts is stopping at a few.。

#2 Dried Fruit

Eating fruit is fine when fresh but when you eat dried fruit you tend to eat a lot more since they’re dehydrated. Since they’re dry, they won’t fill you up as much as they would in their fresh form.

#3 Olive oil

Oils are basically fat and therefore high in calories. A tablespoon of olive oil has about 120 calories. That’s the equivalent to roughly half a bowl of rice.

#4 Granola

Granola is one of those foods that are marketed as being “healthy” however, they’re often quite high in sugar and fat, making them quite high in calories.

#5 Fruit Juices

You’re better off eating a whole fruit because it contains the fibre that slows down digestion.
Liquid calories are not filling and can also give you a sugar spike which can lead to an energy crash.

#5 Restaurant Salads

The problem isn’t the salad but what the restaurants put into the salads to make it taste great. Typically, they’ll add salad dressing and even sugar sometimes. If you’re going to eat salad, order the dressing on the side.

In Summary

✨A Calorie Deficit is Key

✨A Perceived “Health Food” ≠ Healthy

✨Healthy ≠ Low Caloire


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