
General FAQs
Q: What are the opening hours of BC 24?
A: BC 24 opens 24 hours, and welcome the members to visit with their BC 24
access card. Please check before coming for the updated schedule.
Q: What are the staffed hours of BC 24?
A: Our staff generally works on Monday to Saturday: 12:00noon – 9:00pm, Sunday
& Public Holiday: 12:00noon – 5:00pm.
Q: Do I have to wear a mask while using cardio machines (e.g. running machines,
rowing machine etc)?
A: For everyone’s safety, masks are required for everyone in BC 24. This
includes physical activities or any activities in the club.
Group Class FAQs
Q: How to book the group class?
A: Members can book the group class one week in advance thru the BC 24 Fitness app.